Shedding My Skin

Shedding my skin,

I arrive in a new form –

more tender

more translucent

than before…

It is always hard to

shed one’s skin…

To shed what is known,

what is comfortable and routine.

It is not something I voluntarily seek…

It asks me to be brave

in the face of suffering…

It asks me to have faith

and trust in the process…

Faith in the belief that all things will pass…

That all is as it is meant to be.

That all -every circumstance, every person, every thing

that enters my life

can be, and is, an Act of Grace –

if I should choose to see it this way.

Yes, I need a clarity of vision

when I am lost

in this fog of uncertainty and unknowing…

I swallow hard and dive

Repeating my mantra

“Trust in the process

All will be well”.

So for a time I am hidden

while I am shedding my skin.

And in the secret darkness,

a transformation happens…

I lose what is not needed anymore

Exposing the under layer that lies closer to my soul,

closer to the love-light in me…

closer to that which is luminous in me.

I shed my skin

and emerge.

Surrender My Will – Music&Lyrics – Suzette Herft

One thought on “Shedding My Skin

  1. Excellent. You have captured the sentiment so well. And one can only do it via the sorrow and heart ache that comes with it. Go well. And I hope the pain of loss quietly eases. Love you Faye

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